2006-2009 Comparison of Total Weekly Income

This section has details on the changes in income and expenditure of each household type in our study 2006 -2009.  It also charts changes in their weekly shortfall or discretionary income and shows how each household has fared over the four year period. Comparing the financial situation of each household type over a four year period gives an insight into the impact that increases in Social Welfare rates and National Minimum Wage have had on income and the impact of inflation on expenditure costs.

The tables below highlight how the momentum in alleviating poverty has slowed in 2008 and 2009 with smaller increases in social welfare rates in that period and no increase in the rate of the National Minumum Wage when compared with 2007. Most notably for 2009 there has been a fall in overall expenditure costs for households in this study with the cost of food, fuel and clothing decreasing for example. However despite overall negative inflation, a number of items increased in cost such as health, education and childcare in the period June 2008- June 2009.

To view the total weekly income, expenditure and shortfall or discretionary income from 2006-2009 click on the required family type.